Hover over me Far in the ASCII code there are some strange and beautiful characters.
You can use the mouse to draw with them.
Zen sketching Practice your zen gestures and watch them disappear
Zen sketch
Embossing Light Click for redraw, try lower right corner then upper left corner CircleOverDrive
Dual Rings Magic beanstalk in HSB
Generative Flower open in new page and let it develop for a while
PentaSquare Great as dimentional background PentaSquare
Experiments in HSB Click for tunnel effect
Phyllotaxis Variations:
Flower 2
Clicks will create color variations.
Spirale du Jour Many colors of the morning
Spirale du Jour
Swarms Click for flashy effect Swarms
Triangular One RGB color at the time, randomly between 0 and 255
Super-Random Eq Inspired by super sleek music visualizers
Super-Random Eq
Yin Yang Mouse position rotates the symbol
Title Variations:
Title Other Title
Mandala Hover the infinite Mandala
Click for variations
Multi-page Sketch Click for flashy effect Multi-page
Sketches made with processing, on an app called Generate for Android. All sketches are live on this page. Click on the titles for full-page, then use back button. mouseX and mouseY will get you interesting variations.